I'm Movin' Now
As of last Friday...
...I Can Crawl. Thanks for the lesson Omelette (Denver - for those of you who don't know him by his nickname)!!!
I can stand up in my crib too!!!
I love this new freedom. I can move around and do whatever I want. Well, almost whatever I want. I have to have to learn to trick my mommy into letting me pull up on the entertainment center.
Guess what? My grandma is going to be here next week. I can show her all my cool new tricks. Can't wait Grandma. I keep hearing my parents talking about leaving next week while gradma is here, but that's nonsense. They wouldn't both leave me. Would they? No, I don't think so. I think I just got my English scrambled. I'm still learning the language you know. Yeah, that's it! Isn't it?